‘Voice of the Customer’ or VOC is business speak for how companies stay attuned to customer needs before and after developing their products. On Amazon, VOC is a dashboard that features an analysis of customer experience data.
A reviewer program available exclusively to Amazon vendors, whereby items are sent from the vendors to Amazon to be passed on to vetted Vine reviewers to test for free. A Vine reviewer keeps the product after submitting a review, which is marked with the blue ‘VINE VOICE’ label.
Vendor Central is an invite-only platform available to businesses that want to sell products directly to Amazon, known as vendors, first-party merchants or 1P. Once registered, companies submit product listing and wholesale prices through Vendor Central, and wait for Amazon to order and pay for their products. The platform...
A per item fee that every Amazon venue used to apply at a standard rate for books, music, video, blu-ray & DVDs (BMVD). For non-media products, VCF depended on the type of item, the weight, and the venue. VCF has since been replaced with the Fixed Closing Fee...
A 12-digit bar code that identifies the brand owner. Retailers scan and use it for inventory management and tracking purposes. New UPC requirements are explained in this post.
A storefront is the page Amazon users see when they click the name of a brand or seller on the product or offer page. It displays products currently listed by the seller, and it works like an online catalog. Not to be confused with the Amazon Storefronts web...
An alphanumerical code retailers use to manage their inventory. They’re usually generated using inventory management software like SellerEngine Plus. To learn how to create your own SKUs, please read this post.
The sales rank of products on Amazon indicates their popularity in reference to other products in that category. It relates to the number of sales a product has in an hour. The more sales it gets, the lower the sales rank. An item with a sales rank of 1...
Selling certain product categories on Amazon is restricted, meaning that you can only sell them with Amazon’s approval. Please read this help page for a list of all the categories, the type of products allowed, and the condition they can be sold in. The list of ‘restricted’ products...
This is what you call products manufactured exclusively for a particular distributor or seller. In practice, they will have the seller’s logo, labels, packaging inserts, etc., not the manufacturer’s, when they’re offered for sale. They’re known to most people as ‘phantom brands’. AmazonBasics, for instance, is a range of...