It’s been a very busy year for us, here at SellerEngine. We’ve been on a mission to make Profit Bandit faster, more intuitive, and more efficient at sourcing. We’ve been dishing handy little fixes and upgrades regularly, but our latest releases are the cherry on top.
Keep reading for an overview of this year’s fixes and new features, including last month’s batch.
Profit Bandit Update Overview for 2015
Here’s a quick recap of the changes we’ve made to Profit Bandit this year.

Instant Product Research
This release brought you two brand spanking new buttons, ‘All FBA’ and ‘CCC’, aimed at taking arbitrage to the next level by providing all the scouting information you need to make an informed decision. We also introduced the option to view this information super fast with research screens preloaded for FBA and CamelCamelCamel.
Restricted Selling certain product categorie... More Items Alert
This feature triggered an alert in Profit Bandit whenever something you scanned was incompatible with your selling privileges on Amazon. It took prohibited and restricted items into account, as well as categories you hadn’t been approved to sell under.
Miscellaneous Tweaks
Some other changes we’ve made over the year are: enabling product research results from Keepa, real-time fee calculations including VAT, an Amazon badge next to a platform offer, and a more comprehensive and centralized Buy List screen.
Latest release
Now that we’ve refreshed your memory, we have some very exciting new tweaks to share with you. You may have noticed that the following additions and fixes were made recently:

Best Sales Rank (BSR) Introduced for Clothing and Shoes
We’re very pleased to tell you that Profit Bandit now displays sales ranks for items belonging to the Clothing and Shoes categories.
UserVoice Added
Users can post an idea or feedbackA performance rating on a scale of 1 to ... More about the app and other users can vote on what they’d like to see the most. Tap the lightbulb icon to let us know what you want to see in future versions!

Restricted Item Alerts Fixed
As mentioned above, this feature allows users to get an alert for items that are in gated Selling certain products and bran... More categories on the Amazon website. Profit Bandit users brought a slight issue to our attention, and we’re happy to report it’s been taken care of.
Buy List Fixed
Have you noticed that we introduced a new profit column, and improved the Buy List editing options?
Keepa URL Fixed
There was a time when the Keepa URL didn’t work. Luckily, it’s been dealt with. After all, you can’t ‘keepa’ good price tracker down.
Many, Many Small Bug Fixes and Crashes Behind the Scenes
These are some of the changes we were able to make to Profit Bandit in 2015, and we’re determined to go on making it better, thanks to your input. If you’d like to share your suggestions, then why not try the UserVoice feature, or drop us an email? We’re all ears.
Andra is part of the Profit Bandit Team at SellerEngine. She’s keen on testing mobile apps and finding bugs. She’s the perfect link between users and developers.
3 Responses
Any plans on creating a database option for your app. I need something more then live search
Hi Rick,
Thanks for your comment.
We’re working on a batch scan mode. It will enable users to scan items without the need of Internet connection. More about it here
Is this what you’re looking for?
– Maria
Hi Maria
We need a downloadable database like they use in FBAscan so you can go into shops with no internet connection and still get results straight away batch scan is no good if you want to make a on the spot decision wether to purchase or not I am in the UK and if FBAscan would have had a UK downloadable database I would have gone with them so I think you could be loosing a lot of customers by not having that option.
Thanks Trevor