As we step over Q4’s threshold, we’d like to share all the Amazon seller news that’s been piling up at our humble newsroom. Lend us your ear and a few minutes of your time to see what Amazon’s been up to lately, and keep up with the latest...
Veteran arbitrageurs who sell on Amazon are all too familiar with the growing number of restricted items. Some of these restrictions are absolute and render a product unsellable in all situations. Yet others are specific to circumstance and can be worked around. What’s important is to know the status...
Q4 starts in 9 days and lasts until December 31st. For most Amazon sellers, this quarter is where a majority of their annual sales come from. It pays off to be prepared with enough of the right products at the right prices. And, because Q4 includes some pretty...
Q4 is right around the corner so we’ve prepared a fresh batch of Amazon seller news to get you ready for the months ahead. Here’s what Amazon has been up to lately and what sellers need to do to stay ahead of the curve. 1....
As Q4 draws near and the back-to-school hype tapers off, we need to look ahead to Black Friday and the Amazon holiday rush season. To get ready and make the most of the much-anticipated sales extravaganza, we’ve put together a few more handy tips for you. ...
This is a guest post from Bill Widmer. It may sound too good to be true, but get this: $88,000 is being spent on Amazon every single minute. Better yet for you, 16.7% of Amazon sellers make over $1 million per year, while 2.1% make a staggering $10 million annually. You’re...
Private Label video uploads will soon be available to Amazon sellers. The official launch of a video uploading tool, currently in Beta, is set to give registered brands and private label products on Amazon even greater visibility. Some private label sellers have recently been invited to try...
September 5th is International Charity Day. Established in 2012 by the United Nations General Assembly, its intention is to raise awareness of and increase participation in the many valuable, necessary, and life saving charities that exist. There are many ways to get involved. And, if you shop on...
Amazon has become an eCommerce giant since its inception in 1994 and they show no signs of slowing. It’s no wonder that, every year, thousands more businesses sign up to sell merchandise on Amazon. Who wouldn’t want a piece of that pie?! And, if it’s Amazon pie you’re looking...
September is fast approaching, bringing new opportunities as well as challenges. Our Amazon seller news report gives you a quick heads up so you can channel your resources more efficiently to make the most of Q4. 1. New Refund Policy Effective October 2, 2017, buyers will...