You Have the Best Ideas!
**Update – this contest is now over
Here at SellerEngine, we’ve got some of the smartest people I’ve ever met working on making selling (and making money) on Amazon easy. And they’ve all got great ideas for how SellerEngine Plus, Sellery and Profit Bandit can grow.
But it’s ideas from you, the readers of this blog and the members of the SellerEngine community, that have resulted in some of the most innovative features that we’ve built into our software.
And now we’re going to make it easier than ever before for you to share your ideas with us!
SellerEngine Support Forums!
Today I’m excited to share with you a new section of our Support Forums.
You do know our Support Forums, right?
They’re where you can read articles that show you how to use Sellery and SellerEngine Plus and get answers to the most commonly asked questions about Profit Bandit.
Share Your Ideas!
Where was I? Oh yeah, I was introducing a new section of our forums!
It’s called Share Your Ideas! Here you can submit ideas for new features in Sellery, SellerEngine Plus and Profit Bandit, topics that you’d like to see me discuss here on the blog, videos for learning how to use our software or anything else!
The coolest part is that if you see an idea you like, you can give it a Thumbs-Up. So submit your ideas and vote on the ideas submitted by other members of our community.
Have a great idea? Win $50!
I’m really excited about this and hope that you are, too!
To celebrate the opening of this cool new forum, I’m going to be giving away a $50 Amazon Gift Card!
Here’s how to win:
- Submit an idea before April 1st. You can enter up to 6 times, once for each category.
- On April 1st, I’ll randomly select one person to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card and we’ll feature one of their ideas right here on the blog.
- That’s it!
So go ahead, get started and share your ideas today!