Welcome to our forth blog post in our 2018 series on how to get the Buy BoxThis refers to the situation where a sel... More!
It’s no secret that owning the Buy Box is one of the most important goals that you can strive for when selling on Amazon. Just as coming up first in Google search results is critical, so does owning the Buy Box on Amazon. Both have significant impact on your ability to be found on either platform. Being the first offer a prospective customer sees is make-or-break.
There are multiple factors that Amazon takes into account when choosing which sellers get the Buy Box, the most obvious of which is price. To be more specific, your aim should be to have the lowest price Simply the lowest price an Amazon... More available for as long as possible.
To achieve this goal, SellerEngine offers Sellery, an automated repricingIt’s the practice of controlling and c... More software that monitors your competitors in real time and adjusts your prices accordingly. Here’s how:
- If a competitor just undercut you, Sellery will attempt to undercut as well, maintaining your advantage in the fight for the Buy Box.
- If, on the other hand, your competitors just increased their prices while you have the Buy Box, Sellery will attempt to maximize revenue by increasing your price up to just under the competition, maintaining control of the Buy Box.
Getting started with Sellery just got a lot easier with the recent addition of Automatic Pricing Rules. These algorithms implement Sellery’s out-of-the-box strategy for maintaining control of the Buy Box, while also maximizing your revenue.
Once you begin to feel the benefits of using an automated repricer, you can take the next steps with your business strategy by checking out the Custom Pricing Rules that can be customized in a variety of ways, depending on your market.
Sellery also enforces upper and lower limits that you set for your products. Lower limits are there to ensure that you never sell at a loss. They are generally based on your item costs and various other fees. Upper limits, on the other hand, are there to ensure that your price is always reasonable, avoiding automated de-listings by Amazon for products that it deems too expensive.
Price, however, is just one of the factors that go into maintaining control of the Buy Box. There are a multitude of other aspects that you’ll need to take into account, such as customer feedbackA performance rating on a scale of 1 to ... More, fulfillment times and more.
If you’re looking for ways to maximize your sales, profits and Buy Box ownership, feel free to sign up for the free two week trial of our repricing software, Sellery.
To browse through additional articles created to help with your Amazon business, check out SellerEngine’s blog here. For more information about our products, get in touch with us here.

I’m Oana. Translator, lucky enough to write articles for SellerEngine and talk about repricers. Tech enthusiast.