
A new way to reinstate Amazon listings

 reinstate Amazon listings


What do you do when Amazon suspends your listings? Get them back up. But how? The answer lies in a letter of appeal. A good one. Here’s how to reinstate Amazon listings.

Suspended listings on Amazon can have a significant impact on your sales volume, especially if you only list a handful of pricey products. We’ve covered the topics of account suspension, writing a letter of appeal, and some of the most common mistakes found in appeals.

The appeal process for a suspended listing isn’t all that different. Even if you only ask Amazon to reinstate a single listing, you still need to find the issues and identify corrective and preventive steps. What’s different here is that you can focus on one issue only.

Note: Sometimes Amazon suspends a listing due to an increase in the number of customers sharing negative experiences. If so, you will be told to revise your listing and reactivate it yourself when finished. No further action is needed.

So, where do you start? Our advice is to keep it simple. We’ll explain our approach with an acronym – RESCUE:


Reply to Notifications

First of all, you should check all your notifications. We can’t stress this enough. Unless Amazon specifically said there’s no need to reply, you should write back to discuss every issue. Also, receiving several of these notifications could lead to an account suspension, so you need to act quickly. However, the more time and effort you put into drafting your appeal and working on the issue, the better.


Eliminate Bad Inventory

Determine if this was an isolated incident, or there are several other products that fall under the same rubric. There may be more, but Amazon hasn’t caught on to it yet. Work on them all to show Amazon you always go the extra mile to keep your listings up.


Search for Root Causes

Take this opportunity to revisit Amazon’s general help pages, selling policies, product guidelines, listing restrictions, etc. Amazon may have updated them from the last time you checked. Go over your sourcing model and reassess your suppliers, if you’ve reached the conclusion that the issues lie deeper in the supply chain.


Consider Your Business Practices

Even if your letter of appeal doesn’t include an overview of your entire operation, try to carry out your own business audit. You may find deep-seated problems that indirectly affect your performance or the level of service you provide.


Use Your Findings

Finding long-term solutions to a suspended listing takes time and effort. Make the most of this hiatus by enlisting expert advice and finding ways to put their ideas into practice quickly. Delegate tasks and outsource whatever you’re not comfortable handling by yourself.


Enhance Your POA

If your appeal is rejected, you can submit another one. Retrace your steps and try again. But this time around, build a stronger case. Alternatively, hand over the task of drafting your appeal to a professional consultant specializing in such issues.


Many listing suspensions are easy to avoid, so you should always put more energy into preventing rather than reversing suspensions. But you may occasionally find yourself at a loss to understand how best to tackle suspended listings on Amazon. If so, then please browse our Services page or search our blog for more information. Our Listing Reinstatement service was created specifically to help reinstate Amazon listings, and we have experts standing by to help.


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Elena is part of the Business Development team at SellerEngine. She explores online expansion opportunities and goes by the saying
“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough”


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