
Win the price war

“Price+Shipping” is one of the most talked about features among our customers. This capability is quite challenging to implement in a smooth and reliable way but that isn’t the end. Set up a winning pricing strategy today, we can show you how.

If you have an inventory that is small enough to manually monitor you can definitely compete on “Price+Shipping”. SellerEngine Plus allows you to see the shipping rates of competitors right in the tool, making it easy to set the lowest overall price.

“Price + Shipping” isn’t the only way to win though, nor is it all you should be focused on regardless of inventory size. The unfortunate affect that out-pricing can have is driving down prices for everyone, including you. Prices will keep falling until the book is sold. Then prices remain low from others price matching. Before you know it, another seller has the same idea and drives prices even lower. Ever wonder where penny books come from?

Here are three ways to capture the sale even when the other price is lower:

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