
Top toy picks by SellerEngine for 2017


With Q4 almost upon us, forward thinking sellers are stocking up for the end-of-year rise in toy and game sales. Our experts have put together a list of the hottest Amazon bestsellers, as well as some cool, up-and-coming items. Read on for a breakdown of what’s on every kid’s wish list in 2017!



1)  Hatchimals

Every year there seems to be one “must have” toy that’s at the top of every kid’s list. 2016 brought you “Hatchimal Mania”, and Spin Master toys has managed to keep up the momentum for 2017. Hatchimals have released a CollEGGtables line that features 4 packs of collectible eggs that hatch into either common, rare, or ultra-rare animals. They are adorable in their own right, but throw in the “surprise” element and it’s no wonder that kids are going bonkers for these things.

hatchimals toy

2) Fingerling Monkeys

What’s that you say? A pet monkey without any of the obvious drawbacks? Wow Wee’s new, interactive Fingerling Monkey toys come in a wide range of colors, and perform all manner of adorable, robotic hijinks. The lower price point and broad range of appeal is going to make these things fly off the shelves.


3) Teddy Ruxpin

Yep, you read that right. Mr Ruxpin has been revamped and unleashed upon a new generation of children. This time he comes armed with bluetooth capability, LCD expressive eyes, and his own app (from which you can conveniently purchase bonus material). Don’t worry though, he is still every bit as unsettling as the original. The nostalgia factor is bound to make this one a popular item.

4) Tickle Me Elmo

Speaking of nostalgia, Playskool has released this reboot of the stampede-inducing Tickle Me Elmo doll. It’s unclear how this version differs from the original, but considering what happened last time he hit the shelves, it might be wise to stock up on this one early.


5) Fidget cubes/spinners

These things are everywhere, and if you’ve ever picked one up you’ll understand why. The lower price point makes them extremely accessible, and they make a great add-on item!


6) Pie Face Despicable Me Minion Made Edition

Hasbro’s marketing geniuses have taken last year’s best selling game and put Minions on the box. It’s still the same premise; in which you and your loved ones take turns getting whipped cream catapulted into your faces, but now with Minions! Our team member, Charlie, said his kids love it!

7) Green Toys

I can’t say enough good things about this company. They offer a large range of items from rocket ships to sand toys to tea sets, and they are all made from 100% recycled materials. Based in California, all their items are manufactured in the U.S. Environmentally conscious parents can’t get enough of these. My own kids have been playing with the Green Toys fire truck and airplane for years, and have not yet managed to break either one; a minor miracle.


8) Paw Patrol Sea Patroller

The newest toy in the large array of Paw Patrol merchandise available. This one is a cool boat with lots of little gadgets. Paw Patrol is huge with the under 5 crowd. SellerEngine team member Marina says her three year old daughter loves their “Lookout” toy.


9) Nintendo Switch

Nintendo has been holding it’s own since the 80’s, so it’s no surprise that the Nintendo Switch is in high demand this year. Also, it comes with tons of accessories and games, so don’t forget to stock up on those as well!

10) Girl Scout Cookies Deluxe Oven

Stop the presses and bust out the stretchy pants! Now you can bake all your favorite Girl Scout cookies at home in a tiny, plastic oven! This set comes with a kit to make Thin Mints, and I may or may not be shedding tears of pure joy right now.

A Word of Caution

As you are almost certainly aware, many of the major toy brands are gated on Amazon.  Make sure to do your homework before purchasing stock. That way you can avoid the unfortunate situation of finding out you’re gated whilst sitting on thousands of dollars worth of merchandise. You will also want to make sure that any items you list are not infringing on the property rights of the brand owner. If you do have trouble with either of these issues, then please contact the SellerEngine Services team. We offer Ungating services, along with help handling infringement issues.


Happy Toy Selling!

We here at SellerEngine hope you have a prosperous and busy Q4! Please comment below if you have any questions for us, or if you’d like to add anything to our list. What toys are the kids in your life asking for this year?



Vanessa is part of the Services Department and is one of the first employees at SellerEngine. She enjoys reading and cats, and goes by the saying “A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men.”

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