Sellery is the most powerful repricing software available for Amazon sellers today. From truly customizable pricing rules and the ability to dynamically reprice any or all of your inventory to exporting data for further analysis, Sellery has lots of great features. But while features are great, how does Sellery really HELP you? Let’s take a look: 

Sell More. Sell Globally
With Sellery, you’ll be able to list your inventory in any or all of the global Amazon venues that you sell on. From Japan to the United Kingdom, Canada to Spain, Sellery makes it easy to sell to customers around the globe. Even if you sell in only one venue, you’ll see how Sellery can increase your sales and your profits. Want to learn more? Email or Sign up for your free trial today.Win the Buy Box.
Special repricing rules specifically target the Buy Box. You can adjust your price if you have the Buy Box, if Amazon has the Buy Box or if another seller has the Buy BoxThis refers to the situation where a sel… More.