
Organizing your workspace – tips from sue

Spark Winner Sue's Workspace

As we’ve worked with Sue, a SellerEngine Spark Winner, we’ve come to realize that she’s one of the most organized people that we know. Of course, I told Sue this and here’s what she had to say,

“I’m laughing because in other aspects of my life I am not necessarily this organized! I am this organized with my Amazon business simply because I have to be.

I have no desire to go back to an unfulfilling job working for someone else on their schedule and have my earnings determined by how well I played the politics game.

I hated being a working (outside the home) mother, and I never, ever want to do that again.

The reality is that I need to be making a financial contribution to the family, and selling on Amazon is the best way for me to do that.”

She’s too modest!

We asked to take a peek at her workspace to see if it matched the level of organization that we’ve seen in her spreadsheets. She was nice enough to send us the picture that you see above.

You can even see the computer where she uses Sellery!

How do you keep your business organized? Share the tips and tricks that you use on our Facebook page. And the first 5 people to post a picture of their selling space will win a free copy of Profit Bandit.

+Paul Cole

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