Restricted Item Warnings
More than anything else, Profit Bandit users have been asking for warnings on restricted items.
We’ve found a way to alert you when you scan an item that can’t be listed for sale on Amazon!
We’ve always been fans of CamelCamelCamel, but we’ve heard from tons of sellers who prefer Keepa for product research. We’ve added a link to Keepa in Profit Bandit’s Special Searches menu.
Just tap the item title and select Keepa!
Preloaded Research Screens
Profit Bandit now preloads the Amazon offers page (enabling you to see all FBA offers) as well as the CamelCamelCamel listing for every product you scan.
This means you’ll never wait for a page to load when you’re researching products! And even better, these pages can be accessed with a single tap from Profit Bandit’s home screen.
This features uses a bit more data, but can be toggled on/off in Profit Bandit’s Settings.
Updated Fees for all Amazon Marketplaces
Profit Bandit now includes up-to-date Amazon fees for all Amazon marketplaces, including the appropriate VAT calculations for European sellers.
This includes all new fees taking effect for Amazon.com sellers on February 18th.
Easy Amazon Identification
We’ve added the Amazon logo to Amazon’s own offer. That makes it even easier to see when Amazon’s selling the same item you are, even at a glance.
Simplified Buy List
Add items to your Buy List, including condition and supplier from a single, simple screen.
Download & Try Free!
Available for iPhone or Android. Current users should make sure you have the most up-to-date version. Open Profit Bandit’s Settings and scroll to the bottom. On iPhone you should see 5.42. On Android you should see 100.2. Need more help? Just email us.