
How to dodge an A-to-Z claim

a-to-z claim


Amazon has a grab bag of potential reasons to suspend your seller activity, but the most common reason is the one that’s also the most easy to fix, bad performance. Behind negative feedbacks, A-to-Z claims are the biggest reason for which you could potentially look like the bad guy to Amazon. So, here are some tips on how to deal with them when they rear their ugly heads.



Case 1. I did not receive my order items and Case 2. I received the items late:

Avoidance tactics and possible solutions:

Case 3. Order contained incorrect/defective/damaged items:

Avoidance tactics and possible solutions:

Case 4. I returned my order:

Avoidance tactics and possible solutions:


Hopefully, with a little T.L.C., the customer will retract the claim. Occasionally though, they choose not to. Remember, if you choose to ship a replacement make sure to represent your case on Amazon and give them the tracking number. This will save you from having to refund. Even if the issue has already affected your ODR, it will help you keep your money.

Repeated A to Z claims will have a negative impact on your performance. An increase of your ODR will lead to a poor performance and metrics, and over 1% to your ODR will result in a suspension of your account. Take these claims seriously, and deal with each A-to-Z by finding a solution for your customer or representing your case on Amazon with pertinent arguments.

For more help in performance issues, you can always contact SellerEngine Services!

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Stefana Mihai is an expert in international Amazon sales, multi-lingual customer service and the challenges faced by global businesses.

Email her and find out how she and the SellerEngine Services team can help you!

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