Amazon isn’t your run-of-the-mill company. You can’t ask to speak to the manager about a suspended Amazon account or anything else that might go wrong. So, what do you do if you need help? As an Amazon seller, you must follow certain procedures. Here’s how to contact Amazon seller support directly, or the Seller Performance Team, or any other relevant party.
Table of Contents
When you’re about to have a suspended Amazon account, every minute spent trying to get hold of the right people at Amazon costs you money. If it’s right in the middle of a sales season, your whole year’s profit could hinge on how quickly you get through to the Seller Performance Team. But how to contact Amazon directly?
Worse yet, let’s say you’re already suspended. You know Seller Support can help with suspended Amazon accounts and listings. But how to contact Amazon seller support directly?
Whether you call or write an email, you need to find the right person the first time around. The moment you’re passed on to someone else, your chances for a fast reinstatement start to dwindle.
At SellerEngine, we’ve been dealing with suspended Amazon accounts for the best part of two decades. We’ve seen it all.
But one thing we haven’t seen is a complete list of all the contact information Amazon sellers need to keep things running smoothly, which is why we’re sharing ours.
How to Contact Amazon Seller Support Directly, by Phone or Web Form
As a US seller, there’s no direct way to get through to a representative by phone.
You used to have the option to ask for a call via the Help> Get Support panel in Seller Central shown below.
There may still be some Amazon venues with this configuration.
Note that you can still access this panel to select your issue from a list, but you don’t have the “Call me now” button anymore.
If you’re willing to wait for an email from the Seller Support team instead, you can use this Help link, but don’t forget to change your domain and location (e.g., ‘com’ instead of ‘co.uk’ and ‘US’ instead of ‘ GB’).
The current Help panel on Amazon looks like the one seen below. There’s no tree structure. You must type your issue and select from a short list of AI-generated options.
Underneath, you will find links to the Seller Forums and your Case Log.
If you’re in the USA and hoping for a quick call, you could use the general enquiry number, 1-888-280-4331, and ask to be transferred to Seller Support.
Then there’s also the buyers’ customer support page.
But if you’re on a different Amazon venue, you can get straight through to Seller Support in your region, without being transferred.
Here are some numbers you can dial abroad:
- Germany. +0800-7234382
- UK. +44-2070-8479-11
- Canada. +1-800-372-8066
- India. +91-800-419-7355
- Global. +1-206-922-0880
How to Get a Call From Your Seller Performance Team
It shouldn’t take you long to reach the Seller Performance Team if you sell on Amazon.com.
You can use the ‘Call me now’ button in your Account Health dashboard during working hours.
Make sure you registered with a local phone number. If you don’t already have one, you need to buy a virtual one.
Another option is to go to your Seller Central account during local working hours and use the Help > Contact Us option.
As above, you need a local phone number. Otherwise, it won’t work. Then request a callback.
Then there’s also the option to use a shortcut link. It’s basically the same link for all venues. Just replace the top-level domain (.com, .de, etc.).
To access the contact form for your local Seller Performance Team and speak to an Account Health Specialist, you can click here:
- US. https://sellercentral.amazon.com/cu/contact-us/cmn/quality
- UK. https://sellercentral.amazon.co.uk/cu/contact-us/cmn/quality
- FR. https://sellercentral.amazon.fr/cu/contact-us/cmn/quality
- DE. https://sellercentral.amazon.de/cu/contact-us/cmn/quality
- CA. https://sellercentral.amazon.ca/cu/contact-us/cmn/quality
- IN. https://sellercentral.amazon.in/cu/contact-us/performance
- MX. https://sellercentral.amazon.com.mx/cu/contact-us/performance
- JP. https://sellercentral.amazon.co.jp/cu/contact-us/performance
Note that you don’t have the option to resolve the issue over email, and must provide a valid phone number instead.
As above, you must also provide a brief description of your issue. You have the option to ask for a call on an international phone number, though.
How to Contact Amazon by Email
Contact Details for Amazon Sellers Operating on the US venue, Amazon.com
Performance Team: seller-performance@amazon.com
Appeals and Policy Violations: seller-performance-policy@amazon.com/ pq-seller-assessment@amazon.com/ pq-sv-appeal@amazon.com/ enforcement-appeals@amazon.com
Seller Fulfilled Prime Account Suspension. sfp-performance@amazon.com
Listing Suspension. pq-policy@amazon.com/ seller-appeals-pq-dispute@amazon.com/ listing-evaluation@amazon.com/ pq-review@amazon.com/ pq-review-lvr@amazon.com/ pq-offer-review@amazon.com
Listing Abuse Team. listings-report-proactive@amazon.com
IP Infringement Notice. notice-dispute@amazon.com/ notice-request-dispute@amazon.com
Restricted Product Suspension. pq-internalreports@amazon.com
Product Safety Concerns. safety-policy@amazon.com
Product Review Moderator. review-seller-appeals@amazon.com
Professional Health Care Program. prohealthcare@amazon.com
“Plan B” Product Approval Requests. mps-review@amazon.com
Funds Queries. payments-funds@amazon.com
Disbursement Queries. disbursement-appeals@amazon.com
Utility Patent Neutral Evaluation Program. patent-evaluation@amazon.com
SFP account freeze. sfp-performance@amazon.com
FBA inventory removal. remove-my-inventory@amazon.com
Reporting a listing violation. listings-report-proactive@amazon.com
Reporting malicious attacks. investigate@amazon.com
Contact Details for Amazon Sellers Operating on the UK venue, Amazon.co.uk
Performance Team. seller-performance@amazon.co.uk
Appeals and Policy Violations: seller-performance-policy@amazon.co.uk
EU Start-Up Banking and Payment Accounts. seller-verification-enquiry@amazon.co.uk
UK Plug Problems. seller-performance-ukplugs@amazon.co.uk
IP Right Infringement. notice-dispute@amazon.co.uk/ notice-request-dispute@amazon.co.uk
Disbursement Team. disbursement-appeals@amazon.co.uk
Payment after Account Suspension. payments-investigate@amazon.co.uk
Contact Details for Amazon Sellers Operating in the EU
Performance Team in Spain. performance-vendedor@amazon.es
Product Quality Appeals in Spain. politicas-performance-vendedor@amazon.es
IP Infringement Notice in Spain. notice-dispute@amazon.es/ aviso@amazon.es
Payment after Account Suspension. investigacion-pagos@amazon.es
Performance Team in Italy. performance-venditore@amazon.it
Product Quality Appeals in Italy. performance-venditore-politiche-di-condotta@amazon.it
Payment Issues in Italy. revisione-pagamenti@amazon.it
IP Infringement Notice in Italy. notice-dispute@amazon.it/ notifica@amazon.it
Payment after Account Suspension. payments-investigate@amazon.it
Performance Team in France. performance-vendeur@amazon.fr
Product Quality Appeals in France. politique-performance-vendeur@amazon.fr
IP Infringement Notice in France. notice-dispute@amazon.fr/ notification@amazon.fr
Payment after Account Suspension. investigation-amzpayments@amazon.fr
Performance Team in Germany. verkaeufer-performance@amazon.de
Product Quality Appeals in Germany. verkaeufer-performance-richtlinie@amazon.de/ pq-product-review@amazon.de
IP Infringement Notice in Germany. notice-dispute@amazon.de/ mailto:notice-dispute@amazon.de
Payments Issues in Germany. payments-nachforschungen@amazon.de
Contact Details for Amazon Sellers Operating in Canada, Mexico, Japan, and India
Performance Team in Canada. pq-seller-assessment@amazon.ca/ seller-performance@amazon.ca
Product Quality Appeals in Canada. seller-performance-policy@amazon.ca
IP Infringement Notice in Canada. notice-dispute@amazon.ca/ notice-request-dispute@amazon.ca
Payment after Account Suspension. payments-investigate@amazon.ca
Performance Team in Mexico. pq-seller-assessment@amazon.com.mx
Product Quality Appeals in Mexico. politicas-performance-vendedor@amazon.com.mx
IP Infringement Notice in Mexico. notice@amazon.com.mx
Payment after Account Suspension. payments-funds@amazon.com.mx
Performance Team in Japan. pq-seller-assessment@amazon.jp/ alliance@amazon.co.jp
Product Quality Appeals in Japan. seller-performance-policy@amazon.jp
Payment after Account Suspension. payments-investigate@amazon.co.jp
Performance Team in India. pq-seller-assessment@amazon.in
Product Quality Appeals in India. seller-performance-policy@amazon.in
IP Infringement Notice in India. notice@amazon.in
Payment after Account Suspension. payments-investigate@amazon.in
How to Contact Amazon to Escalate
You should only escalate as a last resort.
Nobody at Amazon likes it when sellers go over their head.
But if your Plan of Action is strong and you fundamentally disagree with Amazon’s decision, there’s nothing wrong with getting a second opinion.
Sellers in the UK have several ways to take their issue to someone higher up in the chain of command. But replies are not guaranteed, and they’re not always fast enough. Here are some frequently used email addresses:
US sellers can write to resolution-sellers@amazon.com for escalations. This is basically the email address for the Amazon.com Executive Seller Relations Team. Presumably, anything US sellers send to Jeff Bezos at jeff@amazon.com also goes through to them.
Incidentally, jeff@amazon.com had been the go-to for Amazon sellers from across the world for years. Word has it Jeff would read the emails. He’d then pass on anything worth investigating to the executive team, along with his iconic ‘?’.
How to Contact Amazon About an Infringement
Sellers with their own brands can use Brand Registry to remove hijackers, copy-cats, and piggybackers.
But everybody else needs to notify Amazon of the infringement.
To report an Amazon seller, use this link: https://www.amazon.com/report/infringement.
How to Contact Amazon Marketplace Web Service/ Developer Support
Seller Support doesn’t handle Amazon MWS issues.
If you’re having technical trouble with your account, a Solutions Architect may be able to help.
This link will take you to the appropriate contact form: https://sellercentral.amazon.co.uk/gp/mws/contactus.html.
That just about covers the main ways an Amazon seller can reach Seller Support and the Seller Performance Team.
If you wanted to know how to contact Amazon directly but couldn’t find the answer here, please let us know in the comment section below.
For those among you with a suspended Amazon account, please take a look at our Account Rescue page.
Disclaimer: The contact details shared above are valid at the moment of writing, to the best of our knowledge, but are also subject to change. Amazon may disable, merge, test, or reassign them at any time, without notice.
Melanie takes an active interest in all things Amazon. She keeps an eye on the latest developments and keeps Amazon sellers up to speed.