Join us as we look back at some of the ways in which SellerEngine has grown in 2015, and find out how we can help your business sell and grow on Amazon. Here’s our retrospective for the year that’s passed, and a glimpse of what’s to come in 2016.
For a brief review of SellerEngine’s progress in ’15, please keep reading.
SellerEngine Services: 2015 Retrospective
We’ve come a long way this year, and we’ve put countless hours into improving our Services packages. We’ve been busy:
1.Reinstating Amazon accounts
With a record number of Amazon sellers having their accounts suspended because of tougher guidelines, we’ve had to tackle more requests to help with sellers’ appeals than ever before. We’ve enjoyed every one of these opportunities to help and learn from our clients. Here’s what a client had to say about our service recently:

2. Launching a Free eBook
There’s no shortage of eBooks written with Amazon sellers in mind and distributed online. ‘Customer Support Strategies’ is no different, except:
- It’s based on years and years of experience in dealing with Amazon.
- It comes with real-life examples and tried-and-tested tips.
- It’s 100% free, no strings attached.
3. Networking
We started promoting our services at conferences this year. Both the Philadelphia Sellers’ Conference and Seattle’s SCOE 2015 event were great opportunities for us to touch base with loyal and prospective clients. Even when our service package and a seller’s needs weren’t an exact fit, we tried our best to provide a flexible and efficient solution, and we even came up with special deals and perks for new clients.
Our one-on-one meetings enabled us to answer questions on a large range of topics promptly. We’ve enjoyed speaking to you in person so much that we decided to attend more conferences in 2016, starting with the Prosper Show in February. To schedule an appointment with one of our reps, please fill out this brief form.
4. Planning for the Future
The year 2016 promises to expand our Services team, and we’re looking forward to welcoming the bright and enthusiastic people who will be helping you register for an Amazon account on the venue of your choice, with everything this entails.
We’ll also bring back some of our old services and come up with new ones. If you’re familiar with our coaching service, for instance, you’ll probably be thrilled to learn that it will feature in our Services package starting next year, right after we fit the last pieces of the puzzle together.
As you can see, our reps have been trying their hardest to make 2015 our best year to date. Hopefully, as the new year dawns, it comes with the promise of even more growth for us, our clients, our software users, and our readers.
Elena is part of the Business Development team at SellerEngine. She explores online expansion opportunities and goes by the saying
“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough”