
The magic of real time repricing

Magic of Repricing



 One of the things Sellery excels at is repricing speed. In fact, we dare say  it’s a wiz when it comes to real time repricing.  If you’re curious to see  how the process of real-time repricing works, and how the changes come  to life, we have a VIP backstage pass ready for you right now.

For a glimpse into what Sellery does behind the scenes, come join our  walk-through!



Sellery Demystified

Our repricing experts have come across a recurrent issue here at SellerEngine. While Amazon sellers can see their prices change, they only know what happens in the front end. The underlying processes are not visible, so they come across as a bit of a mystery.

Well, the interface is nice, but we think the pièce de résistance is the technology that runs in the background 24/7, and which applies the rules you set out in the interface.

Let’s picture a real-life situation. Say you want to make sure that your price changes as soon as your competitor’s does. How will this happen, exactly?

To answer that question, let’s compare two situations with the same goal: to stay on top of the competition. The first one assumes that you must go through the manual repricing flow on Amazon, or that you’re using an old repricer, and this case is depicted in the process flow chart above the blue horizontal line. In the second case, we’ll assume you’re using Sellery to handle a price change for you, and this situation is illustrated by the process flow shown below the blue line.

Fig. 1 Intelligent repricing with Sellery versus with earlier repricer versions or via manual repricing


As you can tell from the illustration, below the blue line, we’re typically changing our prices before Amazon displays the competitor’s. The synergy between two favorable factors, namely Amazon’s pricing and upload latency due to inventory volume and Sellery’s knack for getting prices to change in no time, is just the impetus you need to keep the pace and dazzle your competitors.


If you’d like to see Sellery in action, in real time and with your own eyes, have a look at our demo video below:


Hopefully, we’ve shed some light into the kind of advanced technology that goes into the making of Sellery, and shown that what it all boils down to is not so much a matter of magic as it is a matter of technical expertise and good pricing strategy. Don’t worry that your prices will start spiralling down. Sellery Repricing Experts will guide you through the process of  setting up your strategy to prevent prices from going too low.


Stay tuned for our upcoming post on the best way to upload inventory cost files for optimum results. For expert advice and guidance, please don’t hesitate to contact our specialists at , all of whom have a magic touch when it comes to repricing on Amazon.




Iulia is one of SellerEngine’s Repricing Experts. She takes pride in being kind and helpful and goes by the saying ” sharing is caring”.


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