
SellerEngine mailbag – repricing only FBA items in Sellery

SellerEngine Mailbag

” I only want Sellery to reprice my FBA items. Can I do this?”

-Rodney, Seller

You sure can!

Keep reading to find out how easy this is in Sellery!

Create an FBA-only Smart List

Smart Lists are how Sellery segments your inventory and how you decide what you want to reprice. Examples of Smart Lists include:

To reprice only your FBA items, start by creating a Smart List that includes only FBA items:

Smart Lists are special because they update themselves as your inventory changes.

As you add new FBA inventory, you don’t need to do anything. Your FBA Smart List will add the item itself. Or if you convert an FBA item back to MFN, it will be removed from this Smart List automatically.

Set Up Your Pricing Rules

Pricing Rules tell Sellery how you want to price your items.

You can learn more about setting up pricing rules in the video below:

Pricing Rules 101

Put it All Together

After you’ve created your FBA-only Smart List and set up a Pricing Rule to tell how these items should be repriced, it’s simple to put it all together in your Pricing Overview.

See how we’ve selected our FBA Smart List and then chosen to apply our Pricing Rule? Then for everything else (called All Inventory in Sellery), we’ve chosen to apply the Pricing Rule “Ignore.” This is an option that tells Sellery to do nothing to the rest of our inventory– in this case, everything that is not in our FBA Smart List.

That’s all there is to repricing only your FBA inventory with Sellery!

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+Paul Cole

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