
Create your Profit Bandit account today

Profit Bandit Account

No More SellerID!

Today we’re introducing a new version of Profit Bandit for Android.

A new version for iPhone will be available in about a week.

You’ll never have to type your SellerID into Profit Bandit again.

When you install this update, you’ll be prompted to create a Profit Bandit account using either your email address or your Facebook profile. We’ll link your SellerID to your Profit Bandit account.

If you ever install Profit Bandit on a new phone or tablet, or if you ever need to reinstall Profit Bandit, you’ll only have to log back into your account, not re-type your SellerID over and over.

Plus if you sell on more than one Amazon marketplace, you can link all your Amazon accounts with one Profit Bandit account and switch marketplaces with a single tap.

Don’t Worry, it’s Free!

Your Profit Bandit account continues to be 100% free.

This account system makes it easier for us to provide support, easier for you to use Profit Bandit and easier for us to add the new features that you’ve asked for.

What’s Next?

We’re working to add some of your most requested features to Profit Bandit.

In the coming months you’ll be able to:

Want to Know More?

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