
What’s new in Sellery? custom fba shipping rates & updated commissions

Custom FBA Shipping Rates

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You may have noticed something new in Sellery’s Shipping Overview:

Keep reading to find out more.

For each account, there are now 2 tabs:
  • MFN Shipping – For adjusting merchant fulfilled shipping settings.
  • NEW! FBA Inbound Shipping – For setting the cost to ship items to an Amazon Fulfillment Center. By default there is an “FBA Inbound” carrier. You can assign different FBA Inbound Carriers to different Smart Lists.

FBA Carrier settings can be changed by clicking the [edit] link in the Shipping Overview page, or from the Shipping Carriers page:

You’ll be able to see the costs of shipping an item to an Amazon Fulfillment Center in the pricing log, as part of the minimum price calculation:

Have any questions? Email us!

Improvements to Calculated Commissions

We now use a new method to obtain more correct commissions for each item your inventory. This includes exceptions you may have noticed in the past including minimum or variable commissions based on sales price.
This update applies to all global Amazon marketplaces.
You’ll see this change reflected in your minimum price calculation, along with an explanation of how the commission was calculated:

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