
Weekly news round-up nov 23 2012

Weekly News Round-up

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! This week, the New York Times talks about shoppers using smartphones, Twinkie sales get a big boost and Amazon does Black Friday all week.

The Shrewd Shopper Carries a Smartphone – The New York Times reports that many shoppers are using their smartphones to make sure that they’re really getting a good deal. Do you ever use Profit Bandit or other scouting tools just to check prices on items you’re buying for yourself instead of for your business?

Twinkie Sales Spike at Amazon – With the news of the Hostess bankruptcy, shoppers across America were willing to pay up to $30 for a box of Twinkies. Those sellers who were able to get in early really cleaned up.

Amazon Reveals its Black Friday Items Early – To compete with brick and mortar retailers, Amazon had Black Friday sales going on all week instead of waiting until the tradition start of the holiday shopping season. Sounds like a good strategy to me. Lots of shoppers had the chance to get great deals and finish their holiday shopping before sitting down to Thanksgiving dinner.

If you have any ideas for more news stories to feature, let me know through a comment here or find me on Twitter, @SellerEngine.

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+Paul Cole

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