
Weekly news round-up aug 3 2012


This week in Amazon news, there’s a new Amazon video app for the iPad, shrinking profits for Amazon and an online marketplace for garbage.

Amazon launches instant video for iPad – Now you can watch all of Amazon’s streaming content (including the free content for Amazon Prime subscribers) on your iPad, thanks to a new app released earlier this week. You can also download purchased content to you iPad to watch when you’re not able to stream.

Long-term investments cause Amazon’s Q2 profits to shrink – I touched on this (very) briefly last week, but I thought I’d mention it again today. Increased investment in fulfillment centers and other infrastructure caused Amazon’s profits to shrink by 96% despite a 29% increase in overall sales. This means that, as it seems is usually the case, Amazon is looking beyond short-term profits in exchange for long-term success. What do you think their plans are? Is it same-day delivery? Is it to succeed once sales-tax becomes inevitable? Is it to push digital media offerings, including Kindles and Kindle Fires? I want to know what you think!

HAmazon – Looking for a unique gift? How about a laundry detergent bottle that has been floating in the ocean? Look no further than HAmazon, an online marketplace for the flotsam and jetsam that washes up on Japanese beaches. I know this isn’t really Amazon news, but I thought it would be good for sellers to see that there really is a market for anything!

If you have any ideas for more news stories to feature, let me know through a comment here or find me on Twitter, @SellerEngine.

+Paul Cole

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