
Weekly Amazon news round-up jan 18 2013

This week in Amazon news, Best Buy sees increased online sales and Kindle Fires may be more profitable than we thought. And we checked in with Sue, our SellerEngine Spark winner to see how she has been using her $100 Prize.

Best Buy’s online sales up in states that tax – Best Buy’s online sales have grown in the states that have begun taxing The increase has been an average of 4-6% in states like Pennsylvania, California and Texas. The article doesn’t say whether Amazon lost those sales or whether there are just more online shoppers in general, however.

$3 per month per Kindle Fire Leads to 20% Profit – According to estimates from a research firm, it’ll only take $3 worth of content purchases every month from each Kindle Fire user to make the device generate a 20% profit. What do you think of Amazon’s chances of becoming significantly profitable with the Kindle Fire? Up until now it has been barely breaking even or generating a small profit. What kind of content are you looking to buy?

A Look at Sue’s Growing Inventory – If you missed it earlier this week, check out what Sue has been doing with her SellerEngine Spark $100 prize! We’re very proud of her and next week will be showing off her workspace and her tips for staying organized.

If you have any ideas for more news stories to feature, let me know through a comment here or find me on Twitter, @SellerEngine.

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+Paul Cole


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