
Seller success story: tedric p.

Working at SellerEngine gives me the opportunity to learn about some really amazing Amazon 3rd party sellers. I always find personal success stories inspirational, so I wanted to share this story from a seller who has found freedom to spend time with his family by selling on Amazon. And he’s making more money than ever before which is great too!

“I’ve been selling on Amazon for years and I started out selling video game systems, like Playstations. I would buy out a store’s entire inventory then sell them on Amazon and Ebay. Today I’m selling products on Amazon in all categories that aren’t gated. My goal for the future is to keep sourcing new products that are consistent sellers. I’m done with the 1-2 item sales!

My favorite Amazon memory was when my employer said they were going to need to lay off 10% of the workers. I volunteered, took my severance, and in the very next month I cleared more part time then working full time at my job. Everyone who stayed was taking a paycut and doing more work. I got the Amazon raise and worked fewer hours!

Today, I’m a family man and selling on Amazon lets me stay home with my daughter and lets my wife follow her dream of climbing the corporate ladder. Since I left my job and started selling on Amazon she has been promoted twice and overall our income has increased by 30% in the past 18 months!”

Tedric P., Norfolk, VA Seller

Do you have an Amazon success story of your own to share? I’d love to hear it! Leave a comment here, email me, or get in touch on Twitter, @SellerEngine.

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