
Join the new SellerEngine facebook group!

We’ve got some catching up to do!

We’ve been working on a lot here at SellerEngine and today we’re going to share some quick bits of news with you. If you sell on Ebay, use Profit Bandit or just want to improve your Amazon business, keep reading.

Looking for expert advice?

Come join the new SellerEngine Facebook group! It’ll be a great place to get advice from me, Ioan and other members of the SellerEngine team. We’ll discuss our blog posts and answer any questions that come up. Plus you’ll be able to connect with other Amazon sellers from around the globe.

We’ll also be asking for your help in improving Profit Bandit, SellerEngine Plus and Sellery.

And if you’ve been following us on Facebook, you know that I love a good contest, so be on the lookout for lots of chances to win some cool prizes.

Social Beacon

We were recently introduced to Chris Taylor, from Social Beacon. He’s been telling us a lot about the cool stuff he’s been doing for Ebay sellers and we’re excited to share an announcement about his new tool.

Are you bewildered by all of the social networks and how they might help your marketplace business succeed? Social Beacon is a new application for sellers to grow their business through social media marketing. Designed specifically for Amazon, eBay, and Etsy sellers, you can create, grow, and measure your social selling.

Social Beacon is looking for beta testers. Provide feedback and get to grow your business with Social Beacon before it’s available to the general public. Plus, you’ll get a free “Pinterest for Business” guide. Sign up at:

New Amazon API

Last week Amazon added a new API that lets sellers react to changes in the marketplace in seconds rather than hours. We think this is a HUGE step forward for Amazon sellers. We worked with Amazon to get the API ready for its public release and Sellery, our flagship repricing software is nearly ready to take advantage of the new features available to Amazon sellers.

SellerEngine on That Kat! Radio

Make sure you listen to That Kat! Radio from Monday August 5th. Actually you should listen to it every Monday, but this week I talked to Kat for a full hour about SellerEngine, Profit Bandit and why repricing is important for all Amazon sellers.

SCOE Philadelphia

Are you coming to SCOE Philadelphia in September? We’ll be there! Ioan and I will both be giving brand new talks about optimizing pricing and how Amazon sellers can benefit from our $100 Amazon Challenge.

SellerEngine Newsletter

Every Wednesday, we send out the SellerEngine Newsletter. Depending on the week we may share results of our research, exciting information about Profit Bandit, updates and news from Amazon or anything else that we think you won’t find anywhere else. Subscribe today!

+Paul Cole

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