
Brand info & product description requirements

Did you receive an email from Amazon about new requirements for brand information and product description bullets?

If not, keep reading to find out about the changes you need to make before May 28, 2014.

Improving Customer Experience

In the hopes of improving customer experience, will now require that brand information or product description/bullets be completed for items in all categories EXCEPT:

Again, those categories above are the EXCEPTIONS. Items in all other categories must have brand information or product description/bullets before May 28, 2014. If they don’t those listings will be suppressed and customers won’t be able to find those listings on

Find What You Need to Fix

Luckily, Amazon is making it easy to find the items that need to be fixed.

Open the Manage Inventory page in Seller Central. The select Improve Listing Quality, followed by Brand or Description and Bullets.

Other ways to find affected listings include:

Fix It!

Adding a brand:

Adding Product Description/Bullets:

Some Tips!

This is a great opportunity to review all of your listings and to make sure that they have all the information that buyers need to make smart decisions.

Remember to include:

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