
Are you using Sellery power features to their fullest?

Sellery Power




Now that the dust has settled after the holidays, we thought it would be a good time for a refresher course on Sellery power features. Whether you’re new to Amazon and automated repricers or you’ve been using tools like Sellery for years, join us as we go over some of the most popular reasons to rely on software tools for your pricing strategy.




Each business is different and every Amazon Seller has different expectations from an automated repricer. For those of our clients who would like to make the most of their Sellery account, we have a few tips. Do they apply to you? Let’s say, for the sake of argument, that:

So let’s take a look at four Sellery Power Features ( or what sellers like most about it):


Minimum Price

Of all the Amazon repricers on the market today, Sellery is the first one designed to ensure that you never sell at a loss. The process involves using an accurate minimum price to help make smarter decisions; a feature unique to Sellery.

Knowing your Minimum Price is of paramount importance if you want to keep out of price wars. Once you enter your costs, Sellery will set your lowest limit automatically, taking Amazon fees into consideration. This means your items will never be sold for anything less than your minimum price.

Make sure your Minimum Price is right, so you make the most out of your business decisions! Do a quick check and make sure the costs you entered in Sellery are accurate.


Smart Lists

You probably know by now that Smart Lists are a power feature in Sellery that allows you to filter your Inventory based on various criteria. What makes the Smart List feature so special is its capacity to update dynamically when market conditions change.


To make the most of your Smart Lists, try using them to:


Do you use any of the above SmartLists in your Strategy or to manage your Amazon Business? If not, and you have questions on how to use them, please drop us an email at, and we’ll jump in to help.

Custom Fields

The Custom Fields feature is very popular with Sellery users. It’s no wonder; Custom Fields can be used to aid with Pricing Rules, SmartLists or Inventory Filters.

Remember that Sellery keeps track of a lot of data for you. This data is imported from Amazon and is mostly standardized. But some of the fields are unique to your business, so you’ll want to make the most of them. The Custom Fields feature comes in handy in such cases.

Custom Fields can be used to record:

How are you using the Custom Fields feature?


Amazon Buy Box Special Cases

Fighting for the Buy Box has never been easier. Sellery’s Amazon Buy Box Special Cases allow you to build your winning strategy fast. The special cases are pre-set so all you need to do is put thinking into the values that are most suitable for your business. And you can make adjustments whenever necessary.


These Special Cases allow you to easily set up your Buy Box strategy:

Do you need Buy Box Strategy Advice? Drop us an e-mail at and our Amazon experts will get in contact with you!


Meet the SellerEngine Team! We’ll be exhibiting at Prosper Show, March 22-23 2017 in Las Vegas – Booth P6.


Iulia is one of SellerEngine’s Repricing Experts. She takes pride in being kind and helpful and goes by the saying ”sharing is caring”.

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