
Amazon Prime Day: ready, set, sell!

Amazon Prime Day

This year’s Amazon Prime Day promised to bring Prime subscribers a bigger and better 24-hour sale than last year. That translates into more sales for you, hopefully. To help you cope with the demanding workload, we’ve put together some tips, and shared them with our readers on social media this month. Let’s go through these tips one last time.

Read more for a recap of our Amazon Prime Day tips.

We’re all counting on an even better Amazon Prime Day than last year, and Amazon has done its part by trying to reel in more buyers. With over 100,000 deals expected to be on offer today, this may be an opportunity for your business to reach hundreds of new customers. That was Amazon’s pitch for the second edition of the yearly Amazon Prime Day event.

But simply having the right type of inventory won’t cut it today. With competition bound to increase by the hour, securing those coveted sales is bound to be challenging. So, we’ve been sharing some nuggets of wisdom on Twitter over the past two weeks, in the hope that you’d find some that apply to your business.

Just in case you’ve missed our posts, here’s our list of tips for Prime Day:


We hope you’ve had a chance to test and put some of our tips into practice, and that they’ll pay off today. If so, we’d like to hear from you. We’d also be happy to share your story or advice on our blog. But if Amazon Prime Day took you by surprise this year, then it may help to make a note of our tips, to plan ahead, and to try them in 2017.


Melanie takes an active interest in all things Amazon. She keeps an eye on the latest developments, and keeps Amazon sellers up to speed.

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